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Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Jen R

The texture from the embossed background brings your card to the next level! Thanks so much for joining us on the Runway!


What a gorgeous background and beautiful floral arrangement! Thank you so much for joining us at Runway inspired Challenge.

Patti J.

Wow, Monika - love this! The dress designer should contract you to make one to hang with every dress! Well done, and SO beautiful!


Oh, Monika, this is absolutely gorgeous and stunning! You've nailed the inspiration challenge, and I love the embossing on the black with your gorgeous "bouquet" of flowers! Stunning! Hugs!


Amazing tone on tone, clear embossed background Monika! Your vellum and inked flowers just pop! Thanks for sharing with us at the Runway Inspired Challenge ;-)


Gorgeous bouquet, looks great against the black, so elegant looking!


What a beauty!!!!! Love that background!


Oh Monika, your card is beautiful! I love the flowers on top of the black embossed card. It really pops with the colour. I love it!


So gorgeous! The embossing on the card really does make it extra special!

Jinny Newlin

That black, glossy background is so striking topped with those soft blooms! So pretty!


Absolutely brilliant and stunning and AWESOME, Monika!!!! Everything about this card is simply WOW!!!! Your bouquet of flowers are so beautiful and I love the heat embossing on the black!!! I can just look at your cards and wish I could make such stunning cards!!!! Love it, my friend!!!!

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