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Friday, November 01, 2013


Stacey Schafer

amazing card, Monika! you always inspire me to try new materials!

Tracey McNeely

Monika this is a gorgeous card! I love the layers!

Sheri Gilson

Beautiful card, Monika! Love the colors and how you used the velum! Fabulous take on the challenge!

Tenia Nelson

So so pretty!!! :)


I just love the look of vine wreaths, like how you did the panels behind and mounted the wreath onto the vellum, very cool!

Mary Cardini-Anderson

Love the colors, the pearls and the way that you rolled the Vellum.



So beautiful!! Love the distressed vellum and the wreath!


Love how you used the vellum! Great wreath too :)


Hello my dear Monika, when I grow up I want to make cards just like you, LOL ....
The background is beautiful, loooove the ragged edge on the velum, brilliant,the pearls in different sizes,the droplets, a gorgeous card. I will be borrowing a few of your special touches to my Christmas cards, which I have to start soon, you inspire me greatly, thanks for that my dear, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, big hugs...

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