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Saturday, October 19, 2013


Cynthia O.

Gorgeous creation using this week's sketch, Monika! Love the texture and colors.


I love how you add lots of great texture to your cards! Lovely!

Robin Parker

Monika, I love this! So rustic and gorgeous. The circle idea is great, I too had a hard time with the oval. Wonderful creation!


Very cool, love the torn circle, great idea and the crumpled leaf and sentiment tag looks perfect with it!


Oh man I loooove this card, the layout, the colors, the layering, that leaf, fabulous.. Well my dear it's been a pleasure to visit, I hope to get here more often, so hard to keep up to you designers, but the rewards are fantastic, hope you have a wonderful fall weekend, big hugs...

Mona Pendleton

Beautiful card Monika! Love the distressed leaf!

Carol L

You always take shabby chic to a whole new level, and this is gorgeous! It's an explosion of Autumn right in the center of your card! I love the torn opening! Stunning!

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