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Thursday, March 01, 2012


Jen Mitchell

Beautiful cards. I love the delicate butterfly. Thanks for joining us at colourQ!

Cindy Holshouser

I love all the postal images. The blues and kraft are perfect together. Thanks for sharing this in the Tea Room this week.

Bridget Finlay

Love these cards, Monika, I HAVE to get the postcard set...I adore what you've done with it!

Patricia H

Nice job on both cards. I especially love the kraft, cream and blue color scheme on the first one.


Oooooooooh!! Your postcard card makes me *swoon* LOVE it!!


Your first card is just lovely, the use of the vellum is great, and love your pearl accents!
like how you did the sentiment on your second card!


Beautiful cards, love the blue on the postcard card!

jeni allan

wow!! so pretty!! i LOVE that second card...so bold and beautiful!!!


So many beautiful details and really display the release so well! This is awesometastic!


What a wonderful vintage postcard...love all that distressing!


What attention to details on both cards!

Mathilda M

Both your cards are gorgeous and inspiring ... tfs.

Monika Davis

Thank you for your comment and for visiting my blog. :o)

MonikaA [email protected] StamperEtsy Store-MAD Stamper Finds

Monika Davis


Thank you for your comment and for visiting my blog. :o)

MonikaA [email protected] StamperEtsy Store-MAD Stamper Finds

Melissa Shultz

I adore you vintage card. And the card with the tickets is so much fun! I love the bright fun colors.

Tracey McNeely

What a great card, really fun.

Jan Garber

So much like spring! Love your colors!

Makiko Jones

Fabulous creations Monika!! This is a great release!! I love the new dies and Vintage Postcard!

Suzie McFloozy

Fab cards with these new releases. Love the shabby feel of the 1st and the gorgeous butterfly on the 2nd x
Thanks for the inspiration - I'll hop on now !
((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

Anita A

Beautiful card!

Susan Martin

I love the tickets. Cute


This release is perfect for your stamping style, Monika! Both cards are fabulous! Love the vintage postcard with the distressing and the vellum. Combining the tickets with the doily and the butterfly was such a great idea! You go, girl!

Harriet Skelly

Love both cards Monika! I like how you used several stamps from different sets and combined them!

Jennie Harper

Love how you used the doily! Great design!

Marlena M

Wow, Monika, such wonderful work! The vellum is awesome and I love the tickets in the second card.

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