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Monday, May 23, 2011


Amanda R

Love those handmade flowers, this is just so pretty! Thanks for joining in at Paper Sundaes this week!

Cindy haffner


Kim Schofield

Monika, this is so adorable!! Love it!

Leslie Miller

Gosh, that's so cute! Very clever! What a great card this would be for a congrats on a new home or a "we've moved". My realtor friend would LOVE this!


fabulous bird house card...it looks so much like the real thing!! Thanks for joining us at Paper Sundaes this week.


Tyrone Swopes

You put a lot of effort in making that. What's more, it can be hung on the walls of a house, bringing life to any room. It would also work if you add a quotation, or so.


Oh Monika, this is stunning!
Hugs and smiles

Colleen Dietrich

OH, my gosh, this is so cute, Monika! I have a friend named Benzi who would absolutely LOVE this! THanks for sharing it with Speedy's Friends.


WOW!!!! This is stunning!!!!
Thanks for sharing it with us at Sppedy's Friends.

Sylvia Nelson

Cute cute card, Monika!

Patty Penn

Wow--what a lovely birdhouse card!!! You really did a fantastic job with it. The flowers are the perfect accent! Thanks for playing along with us at Speedy the Cat's Friends challenge this week!

Kelly Schelske

Love this Monika!

Karen Knegten

SOOOO cute! I really like this card! Thanks for playing along with Speedy's Friends!

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